My invoice has been declined, what do I do?

Should you receive the below error codes/reasons, please proceed with the steps outlined:

Error Codes Current Message Actions
Error: No files selected! Sorry, no file has been selected. Please try again. No file has been found, please select an invoice to upload
Upload Error: Something went wrong! Sorry, please upload the invoice again. Please check the format and quality of the scanned invoice and upload again
Invoice Scan Error: Something went wrong! The invoice was not clear enough. Please upload or scan a better version. Please check the format and quality of the uploaded invoice and upload again
Error: Business name on the invoice does not match your WHPH profile Sorry, please check the Business Name on the invoice. The business name on the invoice does not match your registered business name on your WHPH profile.
This invoice has already been uploaded. Sorry, the invoice has already been uploaded. This is a duplicate invoice. Points have already been claimed on this invoice.
Attachment Error: Something went wrong! Sorry, no file has been selected. Please try again. Please check the format and quality of the scanned invoice and upload again
Invoice Uploaded Successfully! Invoice XXXX has been uploaded successfully. We have added 000 points to your account Congratulations! Your invoice has been uploaded successfully and points will be added to your account